Psychiatry | Regenerize
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Get Help For

  • Anxiety

  • Sleep Problems

  • Depression

  • Bipolar

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • & More

We go beyond the conventional medical model, because you deserve better than only symptom management.


Alongside traditional psychiatry, we dive deep into identifying potential underlying causes of mental health challenges, such as nutrient imbalances, hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation, to address a spectrum of issues with unparalleled depth and effectiveness.

We provide treatment for children, adolescents, and adults.

Our Approach

In traditional psychiatry, the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders have primarily relied on conversational evaluation and symptom reporting. This method stands in contrast to physical medicine, where diagnostics can more directly visualize or measure health issues through tools like stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, and X-rays, making the identification of problems often more tangible.


However, at Regenerize, our approach to psychiatry breaks from tradition by embracing the principles of integrative psychiatry. We recognize the crucial role that physical health plays in mental wellness and utilize diagnostics, including comprehensive bloodwork, to uncover the underlying causes of mental health issues. By integrating these diagnostic tools, we are able to identify imbalances or deficiencies that may contribute to mental health conditions, offering a more informed and holistic path to treatment. This method allows us to not only address the symptoms but to target potential underlying issues, bridging the gap between mental and physical health in a way that traditional psychiatry has often overlooked.


Here’s what your journey will look like at Regenerize.

Comprehensive Assessments

Initial Consultations: During our initial one-hour consultation, we discuss your unique mental health history and present challenges, setting the foundation for a personalized treatment journey tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

Diagnostic Evaluations: We like to conduct comprehensive lab testing. This allows us to uncover underlying biological factors affecting mental health.

Customized Treatment Plans

Our treatment plans are meticulously crafted to address each patient’s specific needs, integrating our range of diagnostic insights with conventional medication management:


Medication Management: Where necessary, we prescribe and manage psychiatric medications, always considering the lowest effective doses to minimize side effects.

Alternative Treatments: We incorporate medications (i.e. hormones, vitamins, etc.) aimed to address potential underlying causes of mental health issues, alongside personalized supplement recommendations to support mental wellness.

Monitoring & Follow-Up

Follow-up Appointments: These appointments allow us to assess your progress, providing an opportunity to celebrate improvements and identify areas needing further attention. Your first follow-up appointment is typically scheduled for two weeks after your initial appointment. From here scheduling of follow ups are primarily determined by response to medication and patient request.


Adapting Treatment Plans: Together, we will fine-tune your treatment plan, making adjustments as needed to help you feel your best.

We recognize that mental health is complex and doesn’t always fit into clear-cut categories. If you’re experiencing a mix of mental health issues or are unsure of what you are experiencing, we are here to help. Schedule an initial visit with us, and let’s collaborate to build a treatment plan for your needs!

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